Create Your Team

By default, all accounts on Deepbits are Individual accounts.

When you invite others to collaborate with you, your account will be changed to a Team Owner account.

Similarly, when you join a team by accepting an invitation, your account will be changed to a Team Member account.

A Team Owner can only own one team and a Team Member can only join one team at a time.

All resources belong to Team Owner, even if they are created by Team Members.

You can check Team details in Deepbits Team portal.

Invite users

Go to Team portal, and click “Invite People“ button at the top of the page.

You will see the below popup:

You can invite anyone to join your team by entering their email address, if they haven’t used Deepbits before, they can sign up directly from the email or from

You can specify this team member different role for each feature:

  • AWS
  • On-Premises Docker Image
  • On-Premises File
  • Policy

Our roles include:

  • Reader: READ only
  • Writer: READ + WRITE
  • Collaborator: READ + WRITE + CREATE + DELETE

So a team member can have full access to Policy when your grant the Collaborator role, but only read permission to on-premises Docker images when you grant the Reader role.

If you’re creating a team for the first time, you’ll see below message:

Team members’ existing resources, like on-premises Docker images, policies, AWS account, will be migrated to your account.

If those existing resources contain any watched Docker images, the future continuous scan fee (currently $1/(image*day)) will be billed to you.

After they join your team, all newly created resources belong to your account.

Click “Confirm” and click “Invite“ again to invite this user.

Manage Sent Invitations

After sending the invitation, you can see a list of your member.

Check the “Show pending only” checkbox to see all invitations pending invitee’s action.

The “Pending On-Boarding” badge indicates this user hasn’t signed up yet.

You can also remove an invitation.

Join a Team

If you receive any invitations, click the link in the email or go to our Team portal to check the invitation details.

You can accept or decline an invitation.

Accept an invitation

If you choose to accept an invitation, you will see a confirmation dialog:

All your existing resources will be migrated to your team owner, this cannot be undone.

Anything you create after joining a team belongs to your team owner.

Your existing usage will be sent to you at the end of current billing period. Any usage occurred after joining a team will be handled by your team owner.

Click “Accept” to join this team.

Exit team

If you’re a Team Member, you will see the option to exit a team in Team portal.

Exiting a team will turn your account back to Individual.

Since all your resources have been migrated to your Team Owner upon joining a team, and anything new you created within a team belong to your Team Owner, after exiting a team, you will need to recreate those resources again.

Manage team member permission

If you’re a Team Owner, you can manage all members’ permission in Team portal.

Edit team member permission

To change the permission of a Team Member, click the “Edit Permission” button in Action column, and change the permission for each feature in the popup dialog.

Click “Confirm” to save.

Remove a team member

To remove a Team Member from your team, click the “Remove User” button in Action column, and choose “Delete”.

Removing a Team Member will change this member back to Individual.

Team Member can also leave your team from their side if they choose to.

Dismiss team

If you’re a Team Owner, you can easily dismiss your team and turn yourself back to Individual.

Go to Team portal and click “Dismiss Team” button at the end of the page.

All your Team Members will be removed, however, anything created by your Team Members still remain in your account.