
Malware Analysis

The malware analysis module exploits code reuse, which is very common in malware, to detect and analyze new, unknown variants. It first uses DeepDi to quickly generate the disassembly code of a malware variant, and then find similar functions to detect and identify its malware family by comparing it to other samples in our database. Our system can show where each function in a user-submitted malware sample occurs in all other malware samples in our dataset, and compare their disassembled code.

Upload or Search Samples

Users can upload new malware samples or search existing malware samples by their new, unknown variants. It first uses DeepDi to quickly generate the disassembly code of a malware variant, and then find similar functions to detect and identify its malware family by comparing it to other samples in our database. Our system can show where each function in a user-submitted malware sample occurs in all other malware samples in our dataset, and compare their disassembled code in . SHA256 value.

Upload or Search Sample by SHA256SUM

Upload or Search Malware


The system will count weekly, monthly, and overall distribution of various malware families.

Statistics Information

Statistics Information

Latest Samples

Information about the 50 most recently discovered malware samples.

Latest Samples

Latest Samples

Scan Results

The system will list all the functions in the submitted sample and show the number of times te new, unknown variants. It first uses DeepDi to quickly generate the disassembly code of a malware variant, and then find similar functions to detect and identify its malware family by comparing it to other samples in our database. Our system can show where each function in a user-submitted malware sample occurs in all other malware samples in our dataset, and compare their disassembled code in .hey appear in different malware families. Functions can be sorted by relevance or address.

Scan Results

Scan Results

Function Details

After clicking the address of the function, the system will display the disassembly code of this function, and all other samples containing similar functions

Function Details

Function Details

Similar Function Comparison

After clicking the SHA256 value of the sample with similar function, the comparison between the disassembly code between these two similar functions will be displayed.

Similar Function Comparison

Similar Function Comparison