Free Tools
We have developed a set of free toolkits to showcase our analytical capabilities, which security researchers are welcome to use for non-commercial purposes at their discretion. This is a free online toolset that supports the daily work (SBOM generation, malware analysis, vulnerability analysis, risk evaluation, etc.) of the cybersecurity team and software developers. It includes:
- DeepSCA - an AI-powered Software Composition Analysis Service for Software Risk Management. It works directly on source code or binary code. This tool allows users to easily build SBOMs and SaaSBOMs, enabling them to better manage the risks in software supply chains.
- DeepPkg - an AI-powered intelligence service for open-source software artifacts. This tool helps businesses identify risks in their open-source software and provides them with a software bill of materials (SBOM) to manage their software supply chains.
- DeepMalware - a malware analysis tool that uses code reuse detection to detect and classify new malware at first sight.
- DeepDi - a fast and accurate disassembler for binary code AI that uses GPU to achieve hundreds of times faster performance than state-of-the-art disassemblers without losing accuracy.
We also provide other free tools as follows:
- AskSBOM AI Assistant. We leverage deep learning, program analysis, and ChatGPT to develop this AI assistant. It can answer cybersecurity-related questions, especially in the software bill of materials field. Users can ask it to analyze a code repository, suggest packages, analyze malware, etc.
- Free Github Action. We released a free Github action in GitHub Marketplace . Developers can integrate it into CI/CD of open-source projects to generate software bill of materials (SBOM) and analyze security risks (vulnerabilities, malware, license issues, etc.).
- Free Github SBOM badge. We provide an SBOM badge service to open-source projects. With this badge, developers can quickly check the latest SBOMs and vulnerability analysis results of this project.
Updated 3 months ago